If you get an eMail inbox error as reply (e.g. "disk quota overflow") you can send a SMS textmessage to
+49 171 182 4770
(e.g. with an included URL that leads to a webpage with additional information or text).
If you like to encrypt this additional text element, you can use the
JavaTM applet inserted above to generate the crypted representation of your text.
(note: Java applets have to be at least temporarily activated in your
browser's security settings/policy in order to be displayed and used)
Copy the crypted text (make sure to include the possible system characters appearing e.g. as "[]" )
from the input field of the applet
to the referenced webpage and put the password that you've used into the SMS textmessage.
The following websites have approved the 'Robot Soccer' JAVA applet for usage by kids :